Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11

As so many in our nation wish to reflect on the events of a year ago and what this means to us and to our world, I would like to share with you the perspective of astrology. The events of this world are every bit as much a dream as those of our sleep. It is as rich in symbolism both personal and archetypal. We can simply look around us and grasp where we stand within the cycle of the self relative to our collective nation; our nation to our world, and our world on its journey around a greater cycle of space and time. Last year at this time, we shared a collective dream that many would consider a nightmare. However, as we expand as a collective soul, we will always reach a point of confrontation with our inner demons; Guardians of the Threshold to aspects of ourselves that have lied unconscious for an era, to make itself again known to us as us in accordance to divine astrological timing. In our nation, in September of 2001, these guardians dare us to see the terrorist within, the terrorism of our own government, and removes any borderlines of distinctions between “us and them” perceptions. We are expanding towards a greater oneness as people of the earth, and because of the ego, or nationalism in this case, with this comes growing pains.

The Saturn/Pluto opposition during this attack was right across the ascendant of the United States of America's birthchart. With Saturn, there is a vulnerability and a need to sell false promises and security to its people out of fear of losing the security in having its people...its source of sustenance. Pluto seeks to obliterate the shell and reveal the truth, forcing Saturn to face its shadow and come clean with who he really is, no longer basing the who on the needs of his people.

The entire world is still in the critical stages of assimilating the energy of the planet Pluto, which was discovered over 72 years ago. Within one month of the Sept. 11 event, the sporting world provided one of the most appropriate dream symbols for this event. Barry Bonds wished the planet happy birthday by setting a new record for most homeruns in a season at 73, one for every year since its discovery.

Let us first come to a better understanding of the energies of Pluto. Energy never dies, it continues to change form. The One energy of the universe moves through a series of differentiations, which eventually crystallize into individual forms; microcosms. “Form” in this way becomes a temporal dwelling for an energy as it journeys from Oneness to Individual and back to Oneness. This Form includes our personal soul, the soul of a nation, and the soul of our earth; each of these a greater dimension of the former. There comes a time when energy is ready to move out of its old form and into a new dwelling, however, the dwelling itself is alive. A good example of this is the snake shedding its skin periodically; slowly changing form. Pluto is an energy of transformation; of renewal. It is associated with birth and death, and of regeneration.
Within the earthly sphere, the planets Jupiter and Saturn represent the principles of expansion and contraction respectively. Pluto can in one way be seen as a higher dimensional expression of both of these. The soul, the nation, the planet are each expanding in its own dimension; growing in its capacity to encompass a greater Oneness.

The principle of expansion can be active or passive, just as the earth moves us without effort of our own. In this case of Sept 11th, the karma came to our door, and many who are unaware of Americas intentions in its global expansion are gullible to the propaganda that tells us why. However, these particulars of the mundane are of little concern for this article, for the modalities of expansion have always had similar themes ranging from love to war. This is the stage in which the angel in the case of love, or devil in the case of war, acts as the Guardian of the Threshold, one daring the other to acknowledge it as a part of self; to become more whole. We move about our lives, touching many in the process. After every powerful Plutonian experience in relationship, we are no longer the same. The old skin is shed, we absorb the essence of the other, whether we made love to them or killed them, and are never the same. Eventually, our soul can no longer hold the identity that you perceive you have in this life, and another Plutonian transition is made. So the ball moves out of the stadium, the Sagittarian arrow runs its course towards the unconscious, the human leaves the nest, the city that has been his/her home, the safe job, expanding their field of experience; expanding the circumference that is the greater self. Saturn then takes effect, building a new boundary of circumference for the transformed entity.

In September of 2001, Pluto was at the 13th degree of Sagittarius (the archer whose arrow aims at the unconscious – expanding to new frontiers which are greater dimensions of ancient frontiers), the same degree as the ascendant of the United States. This is the 73rd degree of objective reality (out of 180), the half of the circle of life dealing with relationship. Again, 72 years after its discovery, as Barry belts 73 balls out of the “Ring-Pass-Not” called a baseball stadium, planes flew out of Boston (72 degrees W. Longitude), one of which struck one side of the Pentagon (destroying 72 degrees of the Pentagons circumference). The importance of the number 72, which is one fifth of 360 (degrees), goes much deeper and is beyond the scope of this article.

The nature of the homerun, to hit the ball outside the “Ring-Pass-Not”, is a perfect picture of Pluto’s influence. This “Ring” represents a closed plane of perception (a limitation of Saturn). The ball is the Sagittarian arrow fired towards the unexplored depths of the unconscious. As we expand to the limits of our own ego, and shed our skin, or move through the transformative ring via death, we do not truly die, but become greater than what we once were. It is human nature to perceive energies outside the ring as angels or demons; their influence or nature almost controlling or beyond their control. Picture the “Ring” as an atom, the outer most ring containing an electron, a mode of energy considered part of yourself by your ego. The rings outside of this containing electrons with labels of our relationships, the outermost becoming increasingly archetypical (Jesus, Satan, etc.) In the mind, these “others” can shoulder a burden of responsibility; only temporally, for circumstances or experiences in the life. Return is inevitable however, and the Saturn shell of the outer ring will break like the eggshell it is once the consciousness has incubated in its present state for its duration; and these people with whom we live, and deities in whom we hold counsel, will be and have always been a part of the self, separation only an illusion, or matter of perspective.

How do the simple events of our lives become so symbolic of our cyclical position in our collective evolution? Our consciousness, no matter how differentiated, is always connected to the greater picture; to divine timing. Our intuitions, the deepest of motivations and inspirations come from these regions of the self. We are consciously expanding into a form of a “new world order”, not to be confused with the current definitions of this as they have yet to solidify outside of dominating, egotistical bounds. World War is now all domestic. It is important to know that no one “invaded our home” last year. The timing happened to be right to draw the inner terrorist to ourselves. We must own this karma, and ultimately acknowledge that we are all sisters and brothers of earth, and we must create peace, security and provisions on the earth in consideration of all that lives. Loving your neighbor as yourself has become loving your neighbor who really is yourself. The empathic of this world really know what I am talking about. Theft, greed, hatred and war can only temporarily and illusorily benefit a focalized, egocentristic part of the self; always to the detriment of another part of us. It is like loving your feet so much you get a pedicure daily, while smoking cigarettes and destroying your lungs, and this statement is key, because people unconsciously take this duality out on the earth and on others. May the growing pains be lessened with rapid realization of truth.