Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mercury Retrograde

The current Mercury retrograde period began on August 3rd and ends August 26th. During this period, Mercury moves briefly into Virgo, and then retrogrades shortly after back into Leo making a conjunction with the Sun on August 17th.
As you move forward communicating your wants, your needs, your beliefs, etc, is your child self present? As a child of God, are you bringing into your practical mundane day to day life
the gifts that you were given by the universal source? It is time to hear the desires of the inner child. This may include communication as to the need for more play, or it may be that you aren't putting your heart into what it is that you do..... for your child will want you to follow your heart. You may have forgotten, but the inner child has not forgotten!

If you have children, are you hearing them? Or are they just an obligation you ground into everyday? It is very possible that you have refined your obligations to put your children first, but if doing so means that you slave away so that they can eat and go to school etc etc without letting your hearts deepest desires show itself, without play and communication from them that you deeply take the time to listen to, then you are denying your child-self and your child at the same time...and perhaps passing onto them the very dynamic that they may bring into their relationships and ultimately their children, and this is absolutely the primary lesson with Saturn in Libra at the same time. In fact, Mercury is currently in a semi-square with Saturn in
Libra, which will accentuate that very dynamic!!

In late November, Mercury retrograde will move through the sign of Sagittarius. Mercury goes retrograde just as the Sun enters Sagittarius, and Mercury begins its retrograde pattern just as it enters the 3rd decant (Leonine), and moves through the 2nd (Arian) to make its conjunction with the Sun at 12 degrees of Sagittarius (on the United States ascendant). What is the collective purpose that we as a nation are moving towards?

Initially, any relationships that we are involved in where a foundation of purpose and direction is necessary will show its weaknesses due to selfish or manipulative motives. Many relationships will end at this time because of this, and the Sun's strain free aspect to Uranus at the start of Mercury retrograde will allow for unconscious synchronicity to bring people together of like mind and of common drive/ purpose. There will be a greater drive towards intentional communities in rebellion against our current government, and at the same time unified lobbying towards common special interests. Uranus goes direct after having been retrograde for 5 months, bringing a strong wave of rebellion as strength of purpose in individuals will become more well
defined, as will the lack of common direction and representation from the nations leaders.

As we are duality and represent the creative power of the universal lifeforce, or God if you will, we are Mercury! It is often important that we check the beliefs, expressions and needs that we put out into the world with the source. Mercury retrograde brings us face to face with a duality, and gives us the opportunity to reintegrate a particular polarity or crisis in consciousness in order to move forward.

We are currently in the 2nd of 3 Mercury retrograde periods in 2011, each moving through the 3 fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Each time we are taken back through the inner fire of desire. We receive communication from God/ the unconscious collective mind/ the universe/ or whatever you prefer...of the difference between the reality that we have created and the reality that we want to create. It is easy to lose ourselves with all the bullshit the physical reality can drag us through. Are you feeling a breakdown of communication during these periods? Then shut up! and listen!!!